Exercise 1: Subjectivity and Objectivity Part 1

  IntroductionDoing an effective investigation is going to make certain demands on you as an investigator.  Of these, one of the most important is objectivity.  

It is very easy to fall into the trap of subjectivity in an investigation.  Every investigator brings personal experiences and perceptions to the investigation.  This is completely normal, but must not interfere with taking an objective view of the situation and the evidence.  It is very important for investigators to continuously evaluate their own objectivity as well as that of the witnesses.  

The objective of this exercise, is “TO APPROACH INVESTIGATIONS OBJECTIVELY”  
Understanding the meaning of subjectivity and objectivityExtracts from the Oxford Dictionary  

SUBJECTIVE:  Having its source in the mind: imaginary, illusionary                        

OBJECTIVE: External to the mind; actually existing; dealing with outward things, not thoughts or feelings  

In order to understand the meaning more fully, please complete the following exercises. Click Start Quiz.