Management of HCA Overview Final Assessment

1.1. An Overview of the Assessment

Purpose of the assessment

This assessment is intended for all persons whose work-related activities involve the management, control of and or working with Hazardous Chemical Agents in the workplace. 

Learning Assumptions

Before attempting this assessment, the learner must have the following learning in place:

Completed the online Management of Hazardous Chemical Agents Overview Course.

The Learner is presumed to be literate and numerate and  possessing communication skills at least equivalent to National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Level 4.

In addition, the Assessor preferably has prior experience of conducting similar such assessments.

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria

On completion of this course, the learner will be able to:

1.1 Have an overview of Legal Rights and duties regarding Hazardous Chemical Agents:

Overview of HCA by:
Consequences of hazardous chemical agents (HCA) to health, safety, and the environment
Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
Storage of hazardous chemical agents (HCA)
Signage, labelling, hazardous chemical agents (HCA) register and disposal
Manage and control risks from hazardous chemical agents (HCA)Emergency preparedness

1.2. Instructions for the Assessment

Completion of the Summative Assessment

  • This is an open book assessment. However, the Learner may only make use of their own notes taken during the course.
  • The assessment contains 42 questions
  • The learner has one (1) hour in which to complete the assessment. When the time runs out your quiz will submit automatically.
  • A minimum pass mark of sixty percent (60 %) is required in order for the learner to be declared competent in the assessment.
  • Successful completion will require careful reading of the questions.
  • You may only retake the assessment once.


• When you achieve the required pass rate you will be informed of the successful completion on-screen immediately. 

• If you are found not yet competent (NYC) in the assessment, he/she will be advised of which questions were answered incorrectly. You will not be given the correct answer.

• If not yet competent, the learner will be allowed, once only, to rewrite the Assessment. The answer sheet will be marked as “SECOND SUBMISSION” on the system.

• If the learner is found not yet competent (NYC) for a second time, he/she will be required to enrol again for the training programme. There is no limit to the number of times they may re-enrol for the programme.

Please note that an IRCA Certificate of Competence will only be issued once the learner has completed and been found competent in the Summative Assessment: Knowledge Component.